Page 15 - insights-autumn-2019
P. 15
Blended training for the Italian Mobility Advisors
Competence development is a key pillar of the Euroguidance strategy in Italy. EG Team successfully
tested an innovative training package for mobility advisors which will be scaled up in 2020.
A promising practice
The training action proved innovative both process
and content-wise. How?
∠ A pilot initiative: an Euroguidance-funded
training course was delivered for the very first
time in Italy.
∠ A unique mix of learning objects: a
comprehensive overview of transparency tools
and main EU mobility schemes was provided.
∠ A state-of-the-art picture: senior experts from
the key agencies and ministries presented
the most recent policy and practice
developments in the field of mobility
∠ A duplicable action: the course was designed
to be scaled up in future editions
∠ Cross-fertilization: the trained EMAs committed
to act as Euroguidance multipliers at local level.
Course participants, Midas Hotel, Rome, 19 June 2019
Last June 18-19 Euroguidance Italy and Eurodesk
delivered a state-of-the-art blended training course
on “Mobility opportunities for learning and job
purposes in Europe". The course covered the EU
transparency tools and relevant mobility programmes
(Erasmus +, Eures, ESF-funded schemes), including
in the next Program Period changes. The course
brought together senior officials from the Erasmus+
National Agencies and the NCPs and Eures Teams
as well as national experts in the EU-level Advisory
Groups and E+ National Authorities Committee.
A total of 22 Eurodesk Mobility Advisors (EMAs) Course description:
successfully completed the training. As a result, they
became aware of recent tools changes and post-
2020 novelties and the implications as guidance
What’s next Information:
[email protected]
Two optimised editions will be delivered in March
and May 2020, so to meet the upskilling needs of the
remaining EMAs. Furthermore, participants will be Valentina Benni - Euroguidance Italy
awarded open badges, thus reinforcing EG
Translated by Euroguidance Italy
collective commitment to transparency.