Page 20 - insights-autumn-2019
P. 20
Guidance and Career Counselling Seminars for
School Counsellors in Croatia
In the current context of rapid economic and technological change, which requires a change of
perspective from the “job-for-life” concept to the concept of “lifelong learning and employability”,
the importance of quality and efficient lifelong guidance systems in education and employment is
being increasingly recognised at European and national levels.
Bearing in mind the importance of providing pupils,
students and their counsellors with systematic
support in developing skills to make informed
career decisions, Euroguidance Croatia offers
diverse education, training and professional
development opportunities.
Since 2013, Euroguidance’s Guidance and
Career Counselling Seminars have been
delivered as a professional development training
programme for school counsellors (psychologists
and in primary and secondary schools). The
objective being to equip practitioners with the skills,
competences and practical methodology
necessary for the provision of school guidance.
As the seminar was recognised as a good starting
The seminar is organised as a two-day training
point for the development of policy
programme which features plenary lectures, recommendations which could help regulate the
workshops and discussions and is typically
delivery of guidance in schools, in 2018, apart from
delivered to groups of approx. 30 participants. In continuing to deliver the seminar in its “standard”
2016, a follow-up booklet “Introduction to
form, Euroguidance also delivered two editions of
Guidance” was made to provide an overview of the the seminar in the format of working seminars. The
seminar and summarize its most important topics objective was to provide a concept draft for the so-
and points . The booklet is available online and can called Guidelines for School Guidance, a working
provide a useful tool for practitioners who cannot
document featuring recommendations for the
attend the seminar in person (available here).
delivery of guidance in schools, which could be
further developed into a policy document by
relevant ministries. Through the joint work of expert
moderators and carefully selected participants, the
resulting document integrates the knowledge and
experiences of the practical sector with the
expertise of the research and academic sectors and
features different and comprehensive guidance
activities directed at pupils, teachers and parents.
Professional Choice; Stages of Career Planning; Getting to Know the World of
Work; School's Role in Guidance, etc.
Mia Tracol
Euroguidance Croatia