Page 121 - valuing-diversity-guidance-for-labour-market-integration-of-migrants
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Valuing diversity: guidance for labour market integration of migrants
Profissional (GIP) market integration of immigrants, with the prime target of
(Professional insertion reducing the waiting time to obtain a job. Guidance activities
offices), Portugal include information about education and training,
validation/recognition procedures, apprenticeships, labour
market and CMS development. The services are developed
by non-profit or public organisations (local authorities, trade
unions, employers’ associations, associations of immigrants)
in cooperation with the public employment service. Clients
are directed to specific GIPs according to geographic or
cultural criteria. The project is financed by PES and
coordinated by the High Commissioner for Immigration and
Intercultural Dialogue (ACIDI). All professionals involved
have a degree (BA) in human sciences and receive
counsellor and multicultural training by ACIDI. ACIDI also
monitors the process and follows up clients.
Project website: [accessed 3.4.2014].
Active employment Third-country citizens and those from EU countries who have
measures and no Latvian language skills are enrolled in Latvian language
preventative measures courses and gain free access to active and/or preventive
for unemployment – employment measures. Guidance activities developed
Latvia reduction, Latvia include individual and group counselling (‘career
consultations’), personal planning, vocational assessment,
CMS development, and informing about the labour market.
Counsellors are professionalised. PES is the State
Employment Agency (SEA which provides active and
preventive labour market measures. Monitoring is based on
analysing information from the SEA official database,
questionnaires received from participants, mutual
discussions, seminars and other sources.
Project website: [accessed 3.4.2014].
Prospects services – Adults from ethnic minorities receive advice and guidance on
National Careers Service, their career development: moving into employment and
London, United Kingdom making career changes and taking up learning opportunities
which will help them meet their career goals. Guidance
activities include needs assessment, individual development
planning, informing and advising on training and labour
market, and CMS development. Adaptations are available to
meet the starting point of each individual client: taking
account of cultural issues; barriers caused by lack of
language skills and barriers due to lack of understanding of
the labour market and/or work practices in the United
Kingdom. Services provided include a migrant resource
centre with the purpose of supporting immigrants to develop
their skills and understand their rights and responsibilities.
The service is delivered by qualified careers advisers with
multicultural training. Promotion methods include web, social
media, leaflets, events such as adult skills, and local
promotion through local projects and community activities.
The National Careers Service (NCS) is funded by the