Inclusive Career Education New Opportunities for Pupils with Special Educational Needs

Author: Dr. Ieva Kuginyte-Arlauskiene

Career education plays a pivotal role in preparing students for their future careers and is increasingly acknowledged as an invaluable tool for pupils with special educational needs. Inclusive education is promoted on the principles of equality and the removal of obstacles to learning.  It represents a vital means of ensuring that all pupils, regardless of their abilities, can access career learning and the requisite support to enable them to flourish in the workplace. This article examines the significance of inclusive education for career education, emphasising the emergence of new opportunities for disabled pupils. It considers the implications of social transformation, the role of career guidance and the advancement of career competencies.

Inclusive education is of paramount importance for all learners, including those with disabilities, to guarantee their equal access to learning (Booth & Ainscow, 2002). Inclusive education fosters a sense of belonging and provides tailored support, enabling learners with special educational needs to overcome barriers and reach their full potential (Haavorsen et al., 2023). Self-knowledge allows students to understand their strengths and interests, which is important for making informed career decisions. Career awareness helps them to learn about different job opportunities, while career planning and implementation helps them to set realistic goals and take action to achieve them.

Guidelines for career guidance for pupils with special educational needs

The latest developments in the field of inclusive careers education have given rise to innovative approaches that empower students with disabilities. One such approach is the utilisation of universal design for career learning, which prioritises the creation of flexible learning environments that accommodate the needs of all learners (Berry, 2020). This model underscores the significance of individualized learning pathways that enable students with special educational needs to cultivate career competencies at their own pace and in a manner that aligns with their distinctive abilities.

Another notable advancement is the incorporation of technology into career education. The utilisation of digital tools and platforms affords students with disabilities access to a plethora of resources and support systems, thereby enabling them to investigate a multitude of career pathways and cultivate their competencies. By way of illustration, digital career portfolios enable students to demonstrate their abilities and accomplishments, thereby facilitating their integration into the labor market.

To operate effectively within an inclusive classroom setting, careers professionals must adopt a range of targeted strategies to meet the diverse needs of pupils with special educational needs. The following recommendations are offered as a practical framework for consideration:

  • It is recommended that career professionals develop individual career plans that consider each student's unique abilities, interests and challenges. This encompasses the formulation of realistic and attainable objectives, the identification of requisite support services, and the periodic revision of the plan in accordance with the student's advancement.
  • It is imperative that all career education materials are made accessible to students with disabilities. This may entail the provision of materials in a variety of formats (Berry, 2020).
  • It is imperative that there is close collaboration with special educators and other specialists. These professionals are well placed to provide insight into the specific needs of students with special educational needs and to assist in the adaptation of careers education activities to ensure greater inclusion.
  • It is of the utmost importance to maintain regular contact with the families of pupils with special educational needs. Families can furnish valuable insight into the specific requirements of the pupil and assist in the reinforcement of career planning and education within the domestic environment.

Ensuring equal opportunities for all pupils is not only a matter of fairness but also constitutes an important step towards the creation of a more inclusive and diverse society.




Picture from:

Berry, T. (2020). Applying universal design as a pathway to inclusive career education. New Brunswick’s Future Ready Learning K-12 strategy aims to meet needs of all learners.

Booth, T., & Ainscow, M. (2002). Index of Inclusion: developing learning and participation in schools. Bristol: Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE).

Haavorsen, P., Horgen, M. & Haug, E.H. (2023). Karriereveiledning for personer med en utviklingshemming eller andre former for lærevansker: Sluttrapport.