Agentur für Arbeit (HdBA)
Hochschule der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (HdBA)
Seckenheimer Landstr. 16
Tel: +49 621 4209 112
The Hochschule der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (HdBA) – University of Applied Labour Studies of the Federal Employment Agency offers two degrees at both of its campus locations in Mannheim and Schwerin:
- Labor Market Management, Bachelor of Arts
- Career Guidance and Case Management, Bachelor of Arts (only in Mannheim)
With these degree programs the university offers internationally recognized academic degrees with an academic structure oriented on current European standards.
The HdBA is a part of the Federal Employment Agency. In the undergraduate program the students may attain expertise through a unique combination of economics, social sciences and law, and qualify themselves for professional work related to labour market management. This also includes training for skills according to the Social Security Statute Book II (SGB II), which is administered by the Federal Employment Agency in cooperation with the municipalities.
The Labour Market Management program prepares the students for the work in employment agencies in the areas of placement and integration, maintenance of benefits and management of resources. The Career Guidance and Case Management program prepares the students for the work in career guidance and orientation, as well as for the work concerning career related case management.
The main target of both bachelor programs is to get guidance practitioners combined with scientific based knowledge. Since 1994 the HdBA, as one of the joint founder, participates in the Academia Exchange program.