
Education & Training Boards Ireland

  • Pipers Hill,

    Kilcullen Road,

    Naas, Co Kildare

    Eircode: W91 K729

  • Phone number: 00 353 45 901070
  • Contact:

Education & Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) is the national representative association for our sixteen member Education & Training Boards (ETBs) and negotiates on behalf of the ETB sector at various forums within the education sector and at national, European, and overseas level. Our mission is to lead and advance the continued development of education, training and youthwork in Ireland and our vision is to harness our strength to influence and promote a strong education and training sector through collaboration and collective effort. ETBI is guided by the core values of excellence, care, equality, community, and respect. 

Collectively, the sixteen Education and Training Boards have responsibility for 27 Community National Schools and 250 Post-Primary Schools with over 117,000 students. ETB Post-Primary Schools are the largest provider of education through the medium of Irish with 48 schools. ETBs are also the largest provider of multi-denomination education in Ireand. ETBs deliver Further Education and Training to over 226,000 FET learners each year across 500+ learner locations and play a central role in the delivery of apprenticeships and traineeships in partnership with employers. ETBs also support, monitor, and deliver youth services. The ETB Sector employs over 32,000 people and has a combined annual spend in excess of €2bn.