Karriereveiledning.no: Digital career guidance for Norway's population
Karriereveiledning.no: Digital career guidance for Norway's population
Karriereveiledning.no (=career guidance) is owned and operated by The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills.
Karriereveiledning.no was launched in 2020, offering free digital career guidance for the Norwegian population, regardless of age, place of residence, work and educational situation. The service provides free, anonymous, and quality-assured drop-in career guidance via chat and telephone. Opening hours are user-centred and vary throughout the year, with extended opening hours in the months leading up to the Higher Education application deadlines.
A vast and varied user group is contacting the digital career guidance service: Some users seek guidance during a decision process related to their educational or occupational future. Others need to map out their own competence and experience from their studies, occupation and personal abilities. We also meet users that need support to handle transitions, either from high school/college to university, from university to working life, through career changes, and less voluntary changes such as furlough or unemployment.
All chats are anonymized and used to further develop the service. Chat content can provide insight into what various target groups are considering, what they find challenging and where they need guidance. This allows us to further develop resources and content for target groups as well as internal resources for career counsellors.
During the guidance session, Karriereveiledning.no focuses on career learning, with an aim to develop career competency. Career learning is part of the guidance via chat, telephone, self-help content and webinars for various target groups. Career competency contributes to the individual being better equipped to manage their learning and working life, through change and transition by providing a greater understanding of the opportunities available.
In addition to Karriereveiledning.no, there are also free career guidance services at the county, university and school level.

- This practice developed through Erasmus+ No