Learning by Leaving Conference 2018

The German Euroguidance, Eurodesk, Europass and EURES centres organise the joint conference "Learning by Leaving 2018" for European mobility Networks.

The conference in Cologne marks the kickoff of a series of Learning by Leaving Conferences that will be organised in the next three years. The aim of these confer­ences is to establish closer cooper­ation between the European mobility networks through regular exchanges of infor­mation, best practices and peer-learning as well as to make better use of synergies to increase the quality of the service provision. This year's Conference will offer Workshops, plenary sessions and other Networking activities connected to the following conference themes:

MOTIVATION and INFORMATION – Creating awareness
How do the mobility networks reach their target groups? How do they motivate and inform them? Which infor­mation has to be provided and through which channels? How is infor­mation shared among the networks?

TRAINING and QUALIFICATION – Professionalising ourselves
Which compe­tences do counsellors need to
a) success­fully counsel target groups?
b) cope with changes due to digital­i­sation (e.g. e-guidance and online courses) and fast-changing labour markets?
Which measures exist to train mobility experts?

GUIDANCE PROCESSESIdentifying oppor­tu­nities
How do mobility experts need to counsel/advise their target groups? Which methods, formats and tools are available? Does quality assurance exist? If so, what does it look like?

HUMAN SKILLSHelping assess experi­ences
How can target groups better assess skills they developed through mobility? How can these skills be made more visible?

Which tools exist to certify acquired skills of target Groups?



Hotel Mercure Köln West, Horbeller Straße, Köln, Deutschland
  • Event date November 19 - 21, 2018
  • Registration deadline 2018-05-31
  • Venue Mercure Hotel Köln West, Cologne, Germany
  • Event cost -
  • Event website www.learningbyleaving.eu