My career path is a board game and set of activities which aims to help young people discover their passion, talents and reflect on their values and the lifestyle they aspire to. It also helps them evaluate character strengths which are generic success skills.

 The game helps young people from unprivileged background discover and plan for a career which is congruent with their authentic self and desires and not determined by their background.

 The game can be used by teachers, educators, career concealers, youth workers and coaches.

 The game consists of 5 parts1) cards with the multiple intelligences which are used both for talents and passions 2) cards for values 3) test for the character strengths 4) motivation matrix 5) series of activities and guidelines for each of the previous elements.

 Each element has one or two activities and a questionnaire going with it thus combining experiential learning and reflection. The activities can be used alone or in combination. Each element and the activities going with it would take up to 60 min, making it ideal for 1 class period or two.

 The elements and activities going with them don’t have a particular order, which means there are like a puzzle – can be used as stand-alone activities or in any order.

My career Path
  • Author / Originator: Edu Compass Foundation
  • Country of origin Bulgaria
  • Resource launch date April 19, 2021
  • Main focus Career Development
  • Modality Remote, Presential
  • Context Schools, Youth Work
  • Type Training
  • Target group Career Guidance Practitioners, Teachers
  • This practice developed through Erasmus+ No
  • Website