AI supported profile counselling in Turkish employment service

İŞKUR, Türkiye's public employment service, offers profile-based career guidance services for all registered clients. This approach focuses on their skills and personal circumstances, such as physical, psychological, and demographic factors. Career guidance services are provided by job and vocational counsellors (JVCs). To enable a more individualised and specialised service to the clients, JVCs are specialised in five branches/areas:
- Job Seeker Counsellor,
- Employer Counsellor,
- Vocational Counsellor,
- Job Coach for Disabled
- Job Club Leaders.
To enhance the career guidance services offered by JVCs, they regularly receive in-service training tailored to their specific roles or other relevant topics that can improve service delivery.
How AI supports
Through profiling studies using the “Risk Profiling Tool”, active job seekers are categorised into three risk levels with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). The categories are divided into on their likelihood of being unemployed for more than six months
This classification system is determined by the artificial intelligence functions embedded at İŞKUR’s IT infrastructure, which utilises extensive personal and inter-institutional statistical data to make accurate assessments. The profiles are created based on 27 different parameters including age, gender, marital status, educational status, social status, number of companies they work for, willingness to seek a job, etc.
The steps after the Risk Profiling Tool
Once job seekers are categorised into risk groups using the Risk Profiling Tool, an Individual Action Plan is created for each person. The services they receive are tailored to their profile group, and their progress in the labour market is closely monitored. For example: individuals in the “High Risk” category are given priority access to Active Labour Market Programmes. They also have more frequent calls for one-on-one meetings with their JVCs and are prioritised for Job Club training compared to other groups.
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