Exploring Lifelong Guidance in the Latvian VET Sector

Authors: Ralfs Spāde, Ilze Jansone – Euroguidance Latvia
In April, nine career guidance experts from Germany, Ireland, and Spain visited Latvia through the Academia network to explore career guidance in vocational education institutions of various contexts, types and specialisations. The visit was organised by Euroguidance Latvia in collaboration with the Latvian Career Development Support Association* (LKAAA) (see programme).
Providing context
The Ministry of Education and Science shared insights on Latvia's vocational education system, recent policy changes, and current challenges (see presentation). Euroguidance Latvia detailed career guidance in the education sector, school accreditation requirements, and career management skills acquisition, along with guidance methods and the outcomes of the ESF project on career support in educational institutions (see presentation). LKAAA presented the association's activities, including seminars, master classes, conferences, and international cooperation (see presentation).
Guidance in VET in Latvia
Riga Technical School of Tourism and Creative Industry* presentations covered training programs, career development support, and international cooperation, including Erasmus+ mobility and skills competitions (see presentation). The "Soft Skills Tree"* a board game, developed through an Erasmus+ project to enhance 21st-century and career skills, was demonstrated. Zaļenieki Commercial and Craft Secondary School presented the school's history, training programs for youth and adults (see presentation), and international cooperation, including Erasmus+ Project “S.O.S. A Career for Success” which resulted in non-formal education materials for career management skills, among them the "Your Learning River" resource and the 2023 National Guidance Award winning Goal-Setting Game. State Agency for Social Integration (SIVA) described rehabilitation services, vocational fit assessments, educational programs, and leisure opportunities (see presentation). The SIVA career counsellor demonstrated the use of games in counselling to enhance career readiness. Latvian University of Biosciences and Technologies introduced a new professional master's program in Human Resource Management, preparing graduates for career counselling roles. Further information can be found in the presentation.
Insights from Spain, Germany and Ireland
Spanish colleagues discussed Spain's career guidance system and activities in their institutions (see presentation). Vocational education tasks and career education modules at CPIFP Pyramid, were highlighted, emphasizing skills for career management. Support structures in education at IES Fernando Blanco were explained, focusing on student social well-being and a self-exploration method for discovering values was demonstrated. German career counsellors from the Federal Employment Agency elaborated on lifelong career guidance for youth and influences of economic and geographical factors on employability (see presentation). The method they presented, "Rome-Berlin," helps young people understand career choices through value awareness. Irish experts emphasized competencies for career counsellors, requiring a master's degree and continuous professional development (see presentation). They highlighted the role of technology in supporting career guidance service provision.
Conclusion: Participants gained a deeper understanding of career guidance practices, experienced international learning, and expanded their professional networks through this collaborative visit.
*To read links in Latvian, use the Google Chrome browser, right click and select “Translate” from the menu, then choose your preferred language.