Big data and artificial intelligence in support of migrant integration

NADINE is a three-year Horizon 2020 innovation project which will harness the potential of big data and artificial intelligence to support migrant integration across Europe.

The project recognises that smooth access to employment is a key ingredient in successful integration of migrants in their new societies. Individual needs in accessing the labour market are determined by who we are, where we come from, what skills we have and the socio-cultural and material contexts in which we are placed. Societal norms and routines with regard to work, education, family life, consumption and recreation greatly determine our expectations as well as our ability and/or willingness to change those expectations in a new country. Without a comprehensive understanding of these factors, public policy measures to integrate migrants at individual or societal level are likely to fail.

The platform aims to use open data to gain a better understanding of migrant realities and the challenges associated with their integration. Data about local services and migrants will feed user-friendly tools for employability and career guidance, whilst assessing supply and demand of migrants’ skills.The platform will also focus on the social, educational and cultural needs of migrants and how these fit to existing services offered by local hosts. Overall the system will allow public authorities and guidance professionals to offer a personalised service to migrants based on real needs and the opportunities available to them.