EU School Education Gateway poll on career guidance

In the 21st century, the traditional career path of progressing up an ordered hierarchy within a profession or an organisation seems to be less and less relevant. Economic change stemming from the globalisation of markets; continuous technological change; and the reform of education systems and societal transformations – all these are shaking up career options and are making “a job for life” the exception rather than the rule.

Young people leaving school or higher education can expect to enter a constantly changing job market, calling for constantly updated skills. It follows that career guidance needs to adapt to these changing conditions and prepare young people to deal with a constantly shifting environment. The Council Resolution on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies addresses these challenges, calling on Member States to strengthen European cooperation on lifelong guidance provision.

Research shows that young people who have a career plan are more likely to remain in school and engage more positively in education. Guidance also helps students make informed decisions, acknowledge their strengths and weaknesses, plan their future career path, upgrade their existing skills, and acquire new soft skills or work readiness skills.

What do you think? How can we help students to choose a suitable education and career path matching their qualifications, personality and interests and commit to lifelong learning? Take this short poll to share your opinion: it is open until 1 October and can be taken in any of 23 languages. The results will be published on School Education Gateway. Go to the poll through this link