Euroguidance webinar  The Night of Professions

The webinar's topic is the organization and achievements of the festival "Night of professions". It will be held on 20th February 2019, 11:00-12:30 Central European Time (CET). The topic will be presented by the Euroguidance centre from Hungary.

Festival "Night of professions" aims at the promotion of vocational education and training with presenting VET as a real and attractive option. The programme is organised each year, next date is 12th April 2019.

Through this new way of communication, people to whom this field has been completely unknown could be reached. The motto of this interactive programme is "Do it in order to become familiar with it!"

The "Night of Professions" became in 2018 the largest LLG program in Hungary:
• number of participating institutions: 456
• number of programme types: 4581
• number of visitors: 56 780

The webinar will include a presentation followed by the questions and answers session and discussion.

Registration form here: