Finnish National Lifelong Guidance Strategy 2020 – 2023 now available in English

In March 2021 the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment endorsed a joint National Lifelong Guidance Strategy for the years 2020-23. The strategy is linked to the priorities of the current government programme priorities in education, youth, employment and social policies, where lifelong guidance is examined as a continuum covering the whole lifespan. It is seen as a dialogue between individuals and their own career management skills, together with information, advice and guidance that support the acquisition of these skills.
The strategy includes recommendations for actions both over the current Government term and strategic long term objectives for lifelong guidance practice and policy development. Measures will be taken to widen access to guidance, to strengthen lifelong career management skills and enhance skills assessment, upskilling and career development in the working life.
A concrete outcome will be to create a well-functioning digital service for continuous learning that makes better use of shared information on education, the labour market and competence. Co-operation across governmental sectors will be enhanced by a permanent national representative structure to co-ordinate the development of evidence-based quality and impact of lifelong guidance services. This entity will support both national and regional actors.
After the launch of the strategy in March 2021, the co-chairs of the Finnish National Lifelong Guidance Forum discussed in this video recording the underlying principles and priorities of the strategy.
The strategy is now available in Finnish, Swedish and English language.
The English version of the strategy is available here.