Portal “Anerkennung in Deutschland“ – “Recognition in Germany” expands online presence

Dedicated sections for counsellors, international skilled workers and employers.
The content of the portal for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications www.anerkennung-in-deutschland.de has been completely revised and given a new structure and design.
The content of the website is now aligned more specifically to the requirements of each of the three main user groups. For international skilled workers, counsellors, and employers there is a dedicated access point. The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) runs the portal on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF).
As always, skilled workers with foreign qualifications can access all the important information about recognition in 11 languages. More attention has been paid to a clear and understandable language than was previously the case. In the new sections for counselling professionals and employers there are more detailed search possibilities, publications and information regarding further support and counselling provision.
The core of “Recognition in Germany” is still the Recognition Finder. This web application has also been completely revised. For example, the online tool now asks for the current place of residence and the country where the qualification was obtained. The system also provides a no-obligation check as to whether the skilled workers would meet the requirements for recognition. These individualised results mean that anybody interested in recognition is in an ideal position for more in-depth counselling and the application process. In addition, professionals can easily filter the data to see faster overviews on more complex issues.
More information at www.anerkennung-in-deutschland.de