INVITATION to international guidance community A Bold Jump into the Unknown

Euroguidance Estonia, Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, Foundation Innove and Association of Estonian Career Counsellors are organising a national Career Guidance Conference “A Bold Jump into the Unknown?” on January 8 -9, 2020 in Tallinn.

During the two days 120 guidance professionals will share experiences in Estonia and abroad, and work together to find answers to the central question - how to support a young person for lifelong learning and in preparing for entering the labor market? On the first day, January 8, we will learn from international experts and discuss our strategic choices in Estonia. On the second day, January 9, we will focus on practices. We are pleased to host experts from OECD, Austria, Finland, Malta and Slovakia.

International guidance community is invited to follow the online streaming in English. Simultaneous translation is provided for Estonian inputs (marked as ⊗). The agenda is in Central European Time. Please check your time-zone!


January 8th, 2020

8.30       Opening ⊗

8.45       Why career guidance has never been so important? Dr Anthony Mann is Senior Policy Analyst at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, where he leads work on the importance of career guidance activities.  Drawing on data from around the world, his work explores how the career aspirations of young people are formed, what influence they have on educational and employment outcomes and how career guidance interventions can be most effectively delivered.

9.30       Discussion in tables ⊗

10.00     Small break

10.15     Rethinking guidance Dr Raimo Vuorinen works as Project manager at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research.  In 2007-15 he was the Co-ordinator of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) which assisted the European Union Member States and the Commission in moving European cooperation on lifelong guidance forward in both the education and the employment sectors. His research interest is on evidence based lifelong guidance policy development as well as on the use of ICT in guidance.  He is the Chair of the Board of the International Centre for Career Development and Public Policies (ICCDPP).

11.00     Discussion in tables ⊗

11.30     Sharing main results from tables ⊗

12.00     Lunch

13.00     Self-Managing Person 2035 Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Research Kristi Vinter-Nemvalts (PhD) gives an overview of how career services are reflected in education and youth strategies and the role of career services in delivering this vision. ⊗

13.20     Panel discussion: Estonia 2035 and the role of career services in its implementation Participants: stakeholders representatives, including policy maker, public employment agency, schools, professional association, students union, employers. ⊗

14.00     Discussion in tables ⊗

14.30     Conclusions of the day ⊗

15.00     End of the day

January 9th, 2020

8.00       Conclusions from day 1 and introduction of day 2 ⊗

8.30       IBOBB – the concept for Austrian students by Margit Pichler and Mr Markus Krug

The aim of the workshop is to inspire participants with the careers education and guidance experience from Austrian schools. The participants will:

  • learn about IBOBB – a comprehensive model for careers education and guidance in schools;
  • create criteria and a charter of objectives in order to enhance the importance of careers guidance in schools with the method of holistic pattern mining;
  • share and identify most valuable recommendations for career guidance in Estonia.

9.50     Energy break and moving to the second workshop

10.20     Career Learning and Development in Malta, by Ms Dorianne Gravina and Mr Stephen Camilleri

The aim of the workshop is to share with participants how career education and guidance is delivered in Malta. The participants will:

  • learn about a framework which aims to encourage a whole school approach to the planning, design and delivery of career education and career guidance;
  • share practical examples which can be used with students;
  • reflect and evaluate applicability to Estonia.

11.40     Lunch

12.40     Lifeology as a non-formal tool for talent support in upper secondary schools in Slovakia by Ms Henrieta Holúbeková, Mr Pavol Markovic and Ms Barbara Baisova

The workshop introduces the principles of Lifeology and the user experience in Slovakia. The aim is to share how to develop cognitive abilities, self-discovery and self-empowerment, self-regulation, psychological and emotional well-being, creativity and curiosity, interpersonal relationships, communication, collaboration and competition, and encourage young people to reflect on their values, attitudes, practical ethics and skills such as decision-making and problem solving. The participants will:

  • gain knowledge of the principles of Lifeology and user experience in Slovakia;
  • interpret and practice the skills needed to achieve a work-life balance;
  • share and identify most valuable recommendations for career guidance in Estonia

14.00     Small break and moving back to the main hall

14.15     Conclusions ⊗

15.00     End of the conference