Materials and recordings of webinars “Online career guidance tools and activities – examples of good practices from Europe”

Euroguidance network, in the scope of the activities of the Competence Development Task Group, has organized a set of webinars for Euroguidance members and guidance practitioners on the topic “Online career guidance tools and activities” that was held on 9th, 10th and 11th of June 2020.
During the webinars, guidance practitioners had the opportunity to hear more about online guidance and its possibilities as well as some examples of practices already existing in different European countries.
The first webinar was held on 9th June and 139 participants had the opportunity to hear about: Online guidance activities and programs for supporting the development of practitioners’ competencies – Examples of practices from Hungary and the Czech Republic. Presenters were Ildiko Pap and Eniko Kovacs-Osvath from GINOP-6.2.4-VEKOP/16-2017-00001 priority project on Developing the quality and content of 21st-century vocational training and adult education and Petr Chaluš from the Euroguidance Czech Republic. The webinar recording is available here and a presentation from the Euroguidance Hungary is available here.
The second webinar was held on 10th June and during the webinar 144 participants had the opportunity to hear about: Online guidance tools and activities for students, youth, and adults – Example of practices from Denmark and Serbia. Presenters were Jannie Meedom Nielsen from eVejleder, Denmark, Ružica Madžarević from Euroguidance Serbia, and Joke Verlinden from Euroguidance Belgium (Flemish community) with Tom Billet, chat coordinator from CLB.
Presentation from the Jannie Meedom Nielsen is available here, and a presentation from Euroguidance Serbia is available here. You may find out more about CLB chat in the presentation here as well on their website (online chat help for parents and pupils). All information for pupils/students and parents about education possibilities, professions, etc. in Flanders and some tests that can be helpful for making choices, etc. is available here. The webinar recording is not available at this moment since the technical difficulties but we are working on making it available and we will post the webinar link.
The third webinar was held on 11th June and 127 participants were listening about: ICT in Guidance - From Delivering Information to Co-careering. The opening presentation was held by Jaana Kettunen, Researcher and Vice Director at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research at the University of Jyväskylä, and examples of good practice from Sweden were presented by Joachim Öjeryd from Swedish PES service. The webinar recording is available here
All the published webinar recordings will be available for watching in the following two weeks, until 2nd July 2020.