New publication Vocational Guidance in Europe Challenges Needs Solutions and Prospects for Development

At the beginning of the 21st century, the European labour market is in a constant state of change and is associated with ongoing challenges in relation to to production and service processes, recruitment of new employees and competence development of existing employees. These include the digital transformation, Industry 4.0, the change in the world of work (New Work), but also migration and demographic change. The impact of these topics on career guidance (both before and during working life) is already immense at the national level, and increases even further with a transnational perspective. The respective legal requirements, institutions and responsibilities, the heterogeneous actors in counselling always constitute a different way of dealing with the issues addressed, thereby presenting different challenges and approaches to solutions.

The editors of this anthology address this transnational perspective in a special way. Under the framework of the Academia+ project (link:, the publication focuses on three central megatrends and their challenges: counselling for refugees, the future of work and demographic change. Under these three focal points, the anthology combines different European points of view, the respective national challenges, particularities and needs, but also any approaches to dealing with and solving them that have already been implemented.

The contributions of the individual authors from eight different countries always include a national and above all practical view of the topics mentioned. The focus is on concrete practical explanations and experiences in counselling; the individual contributions thus open up a special perspective and allow the reader to dive into the topics of counselling refugees, the future of work and demographic change outside of the national field of vision. 

The anthology is aimed at an audience with an interest at transnational level and thus serves the international exchange of experiences of career counsellors in all its facets. 

Editors: Clinton Enoch¹, Christoph Krause¹, Rebeca Garcia-Murias², Jane Porath¹ (1University of Applied Labour Studies, Mannheim, 2University Santiago de Compostela)

The book can be purchased as a print edition (hardcover) and as an e-book at the following link: