On-line learning supports growth of competences

E-ways for competence development of guidance professionals was the name of a workshop offered by Euroguidance Estonia and Euroguidance Sweden at the Learning by leaving conference in Cologne. In addition to Euroguidance colleagues, partners from Europass, EURES and Eurodesk participated.

The aim of the workshop was to look into how the development of an international dimension in guidance can be supported trough ICT. Various methods of distance learning were presented and a mutual exchange among participants was facilitated by Mentimeter, Skype and face-to-face discussions.

Margit Rammo from Euroguidance Estonia and Nina Ahlroos grom Euroguidance Sweden introduced their experience in developing mobility-related on-line courses for career guidance practitioners. They presented the technological platforms and tools, focused on the curriculum development, described the work processes and finally shared feedback from national participants and partners.

Participants of the workshop found that involvement of guidance professionals, mobility networks and  on-line learning experts was important – quote from participant: “We need to collaborate on all levels and in all phases”.

The presentation and results from the workshop is available here

The participants showed their interest to continue mutual exchange. They were interested in more detailed information, for example about teaching methods, tasks and materials used. There was even one proposal to create a handbook to support the development in other countries. There was also discussions about the possibility to start an on-line course on European level.