Online training days on "Counselling migrants and refugees”

The Erasmus+ partnership project "Counsellors' Study and Training Exchange Programme for Key Challenges of European Labour Markets and Societies" (Academia+), led by the Federal Employment Agency's University of Applied Sciences (HdBA), aims to develop and test three research-based Study and Training Exchange Programmes (C-STEP) for vocational counsellors from all over Europe.
With the topics "Intercultural awareness" (on 28 May.); "Recognition of qualifications and competences and access to the labour market" (on 2 June); "Potential analysis of clients and empowerment" (on 4 June) and "Specific support measures" (on 9 June), the days were held in English language online sessions. Altogether, participants from various European countries could be recruited for these sessions, some of the 30-60 participants per day even came from Armenia, India or Azerbaijan.
Over the days 14 teachers/lecturers from different countries spoke on various topics. These days were characterized by a high level of activity of the participants, many productive and constructive discussions and the will to stay in touch beyond the online training days. This wish was used as an opportunity to open a LinkedIn group, which enables the participants to stay in touch and exchange ideas on different topics.
The series of training days continues in 2021 and there is currently a discussion whether the next events will also take place online or in presence.
The material generated during the days and provided by our teachers/lecturers is now freely accessible. With a guest login under the following link you can see this material.
Further information, including the exact dates of the next training days (as soon as they are fixed) of the Academia+ project can be found on the project website.