Results from IAEVG conference 2018: Guidance for 21st century skills through learning abroad

Nordic and Baltic Euroguidance centres organised a workshop at the IAEVG conference in Gothenburg, 2nd October. The workshop promoted learning abroad as a mean to develop 21st century skills. The aim was to raise the awareness about the competences gained through learning mobility and their value in the global labour market and to encourage guidance professionals to consider their role and identify resources in supporting learning mobility through self-reflection and peer learning.
The present era of globalisation of the economy and the labour market calls for increased mobility of individuals across borders and an increased international dimension in many professions. Therefore, young people need to be offered good opportunities for developing their ability to see themselves in an international context and to make international comparisons and reflections.
The main question tackled was how mobility is an answer to the identified challenges? It concluded that learning mobility has an overall positive impact on the development of a wide range of 21st century job skills, expands career possibilities and has a long-term impact on career progression of the individual. Participants discussed the skills need on the 21st century and the word-cloud gives an idea about the common understanding.
It was also discussed how guidance professionals could support individuals to acquire these skills. Many views were expressed, e.g. guidance professionals should help clients to identify links between their career goals and mobility opportunities.
You are welcome to download the presentation here.