Results of webinar "Career Guidance policy and practice during the pandemic" available now

Cedefop, ILO, ETF, the European Commission, ICCDPP, OECD and UNESCO jointly implemented a flash international survey in June and August 2020 on how career guidance services responded to the challenges posed by Covid-19. Based on the survey findings, the seven organisations have authored the final report, “Career guidance policy and practice in the pandemic ”, published by Cedefop.
In a webinar on Wednesday, 17 February 2021 main findings of this publication were shared.
The event page of the webinar on “Career guidance during the pandemic” has been updated and you can now have access to:
- The full recording of the event
- Summaries in Spanish and French of the key results of the survey report (see “Publications”)
- A webpage with an array of resources from the seven organizations responsible for the report (see “Key resources”)
For more information, see the event page.