Youth Centres for Youth Mobility and Intercultural Learning: Impact of Internationality (2015–2017)

The Erasmus+ funded research project “Boost Your Possibilities! – Youth Centres for Youth Mobility and Intercultural Learning: Impact of Internationality” was implemented in three countries: Finland, Estonia and Slovenia (2015-2017). During the research process, various methods of inquiry were used to investigate the scale of impact of international youth work conducted by the youth centres. The young people, youth centre personnel and decision makers’ experiences concerning this impact and perceived development needs were gathered using a variety of methods: story-telling, a pilot survey, interviews and interactive evaluation. These methods were tested and fine-tuned during this study. They were found to be working well for the youth centres and would continue to do so in the future.
Learn more about the Boost Your Possibilities! through this link. The project's final report is accessible here.