Online career learning activities for VET students, potential students, parents and career practitioners
During the school year of 2020/2021 under COVID-19 restrictions Valmiera VET School “Valmieras tehnikums” career counsellor Ivita Onzule organized numerous career education activities for Valmiera VET School learners and parents. Learners had the opportunity to meet with labour market representatives online about career opportunities, new trends in various professions, and career skills such as CV and interviewing techniques, financial literacy, avoiding injuries at work, career influences of harmful substances and zero waste practices. Career-themed extracurricular activities included quizzes on various professions. These activities supplemented regular career lessons and group counselling sessions.
Ivita Onzule organized special online seminars for parents of Valmiera VET School learners on enhancing their children’s career management skills as well as for parents of potential VET learners on education opportunities offered by Valmiera VET School and how to prepare for studies there. A special virtual activity “Teleport to Valmiera VET School” was organized for 9th grade pupils of secondary schools in various Latvian cities offering them a virtual tour of Valmiera VET School, guided by Ivita Onzule herself and followed by an online quiz. Ivita Onzule also participated in the Academia virtual exchange of 2021 hosted by Euroguidance Latvia and presented online methods and tools for career guidance.

- Author / Originator: Ivita Onzule, career counsellor at Valmiera Vocational Education and Training School “Valmieras tehnikums”
- Country of origin Latvia
- Resource launch date October 07, 2023
- Main focus Access to Guidance Services
- Modality Remote
- Context Schools
- Type Intervention
- Target group Career Guidance Practitioners, VET Students, Parents
- This practice developed through Erasmus+ No