Online careers information resource
An online careers information resource was designed and created in 2020 by Valmiera Development Agency to support school career counsellors in their daily work, as well as to serve other pedagogical staff, youth and parents. This online resource holds a broad spectrum of information, covering all three main career guidance components: careers education, information, counselling. The website includes the following sections:
- Materials for work in class and in thematic lessons
- Tests on career choice, personality, and interests
- Ideas for career events
- Opportunities for site visits and hands-on workshops
- Materials to introduce various occupations and the world of work
- Methodological materials for career development
- Laws, regulations and policy strategies pertaining to career development
- Cooperation with enterprises and employers
- Useful links and other career resources
This resource was developed through a collective effort by career counsellors, school career counsellors and other professionals from all over Latvia. It is foreseen to constantly update this resource by contributions of ideas, materials and resources used by pedagogical staff of Latvian schools.
This project was co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund initiative “Urban Innovative Actions”.
Target groups: guidance counsellors, pedagogic staff, youth, parents.

- Author / Originator: NGO “Valmieras Attīstības aģentūra” (Valmiera Development Agency)
- Country of origin Latvia
- Resource launch date October 07, 2023
- Main focus Career Development
- Modality Remote
- Context Schools, Community
- Type Intervention
- Target group Career Guidance Practitioners, Teachers, Secondary School Students, Parents
- This practice developed through Erasmus+ No
- Website