PUM-O Plus: Project-based learning for young adults in Slovenia

Sabina Škarja, Euroguidance Slovenia national coordinator, Employment Service of Slovenia
Iris Lojevec and Katja Hren, ALMP experts, Employment Service of Slovenia
PUM-O Plus is a project-based learning in Slovenia, providing non-formal education for young adults aged 15 to 29 who face difficulties and obstacles in their career path. Participants have either left school and are registered as unemployed with the Employment Service of Slovenia or are still in school but considering leaving school.
Young adults can enter the programme free of charge. They can either contact their career counsellor at the Employment Service of Slovenia or reach out to PUM-O Plus providers in their local area, who will arrange their participation. The programme operates throughout the year on all working days, with participants engaging for a minimum of 4 hours and a maximum of 7 hours per day, totaling 30 hours per week. Additionally, 10 hours per week are dedicated to supporting activities for mentors.
Interactive learning and skill development
The program offers a variety of activities which enables a new learning environment. With guidance from mentors and professionals, they develop the skills needed to continue and complete their education or transition into the labour market. Each day typically begins with interactive sessions such as group dynamic games, discussions or presentations. Followed by an in-depth workshop, covering a wide range of topics ranging from career development and personality to science, psychology, sociology, creativity, sports, ecology. Participants are encouraged to actively co-create the programme by suggesting activities and themes that interest them. In addition to the workshops, they work on different projects such as landscaping a garden, publishing books, producing videos or even composing a PUM-O anthem.
Pathway to education and employment
Joining PUM-O Plus offers young people the opportunity to socialize, collaborate with their peers and engage in creative activities while exploring their future education and career paths. The programme helps them prepare for re-entering education or entering the job market with confidence. By actively participating, they gain valuable experience that empowers them to take charge of their future. Pum-O Plus is a ticket for young adults to go back to school or find a job.
Long Term impact
Pum-O Plus has lasting effects on participants, sometimes even beyond initial expectations. It empowers participants to identify, evaluate and, when necessary, change their behavioral patterns while taking responsibility for their own career paths and life decisions. Through a combination of group dynamics and individualized mentoring, they develop the skills to become active, engaged citizens. Although their time in the programme is limited, the experience fosters a lifelong mindset of self-improvement, empowerment, and social contribution. Ultimately, PUM-O Plus not only enhances individual lives but also contributes to broader societal progress.
PUM-O Plus is an active labour market service initiative financed by the Employment Service of Slovenia.