A Guide to Self-reflection based on Career Management Skills
Luxembourg has a national strategy for lifelong guidance and develops its own educational material, specific to its population.
In Luxembourg, we consider Career Management Skills to be key in the area of lifelong guidance and the Maison de l’orientation (House of Guidance) aims to support citizens in finding their way while developing their abilities and becoming aware of their aspirations.
Therefore, inspired by various existing national and international practices, the Coordination Service of the House of Guidance, as part of its mission as a resource centre, compiled several guidance documents that should help pupils, teachers and families to prepare their visit at a fair or another information event.
The following editions have so far been published:
- For pupils: it includes a broad range of exercises to encourage self-reflection and to support pupils in transitional phases in their decision-making process when it comes to school and/or career choices.
- For teachers and guidance practitioners: it consists of the same exercises as in the edition for pupils while still targeting teachers and their active involvement in the preparation in class.
- For parents: it encourages parents to follow their children’s journey while highlighting their interests, talents and aspirations; it should also support parents in encouraging their children to reflect on this with others, friends, teachers or guidance practitioners, to allow for new perspectives.
These guidance documents are available on the House of Guidance website, which means that the exercises can be printed or completed online.
The first version was developed to prepare pupils for their visit at the first YEP Schoulfoire (school guidance fair), organised by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth. This fair was held in May 2022.
Its purposes were:
- to present the school offer in Luxembourg,
- to promote vocational training.
A second version, targeting more specifically the needs of pupils in their final years of secondary school, was published for the Foire de l’Étudiant (student fair), which is organised every year by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (October/November).
Its purposes are:
- to present the tertiary education offer in Luxembourg and abroad (17 countries were represented this year, partially on-site and partially on-line only)- to offer pupils the opportunity to exchange with student associations, higher education representatives, country representatives and other relevant stakeholders.

- Author / Originator: Service de coordination de la Maison de l’orientation (Coordination Service of the House of Guidance)
- Country of origin Luxembourg
- Resource launch date December 01, 2022
- Main focus Career Development
- Modality Remote, Presential
- Context Schools, Higher Education, Community
- Type Tool, Intervention, Publication
- Target group Career Guidance Practitioners, Teachers, Secondary School Students, Post-Secondary School Students, University Students, Parents
- This practice developed through Erasmus+ No
- Website https://maison-orientation.public.lu/fr.html