ARIADNE is a career-guidance instrument designed to facilitate Secondary Education students’ decision making regarding their educational and career future. It helps them uncover their interests in the fields of education and work, and connect these interests with relevant occupations. It can facilitate students’ exploration of their educational and occupational alternatives, learning about careers, and setting goals for the future.
ARIADNE is a state-of-the-art, valid and reliable psychometric tool that assesses Secondary Education students’ career interests. It is designed to address most Europe’s educational systems and the current labor market, and it provides scores for 16 broad educational/occupational categories. The first part of ARIADNE is consisted of 200 items and uses a 5-point scale of “I strongly disagree” to “I strongly agree”. The length of the second part of ARIADNE depends on the first answers of each student, as it is comprised of items that further explore his/her interests in the occupational categories with high scores.
- It is an online computerized questionnaire.
- It provides scores for 16 different Occupations’ categories.
- It is an adaptive questionnaire, and it can provide scores for 30 occupations’ sub-categories (it depends on the first answers of each student).
- The career fields that attract students’ interest at a high level are clearly distinguished from the fields that attract their interest at a medium or low level.
- It takes just 20-30 minutes to complete.
- It has a consistency of the answers check system.
- Results are produced automatically and are easily interpreted.
- All results are completely confidential.
- Personalized reports may be viewed on-screen or printed out by the counsellor. The report provides a list of the indicative occupations and fields of study that most closely match the students’ interests.
- Counselors who use ARIADNE are trained on how to proceed through the career counselling procedure using its result to facilitate students' self-knowledge, career planning, career exploration and decision-making process.
European University Cyprus is the sole provider of the “Ariadne” psychometric test on employment interests in Cyprus. The Ariadne test was adapted to the Cypriot educational, professional and social circumstances to be scientifically suitable to the student population of Cyprus.
It is a test that is administered among the high school population of Cyprus, with special permission from the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The Ariadne test help the students determine their employment interests and start planning their higher education options.
The Career Center offers final-year high school students and high school graduates one-on-one sessions to discuss the results of the analytical report they receive after completing the Ariadne test. This is an opportunity to discuss interests and to help determine academic majors and career paths that suit their personal and career aspirations.

- Author / Originator: European University CYprus
- Country of origin Cyprus
- Main focus Career Development
- Modality Remote, Presential
- Context Schools, Higher Education
- Type Tool
- Target group Career Guidance Practitioners, Teachers, Policy-Makers, Secondary School Students, Post-Secondary School Students, VET Students, University Students, Jobseekers, Parents
- This practice developed through Erasmus+ No
- Website