Promoting Youth Employability through Internships
Promoting Youth Employability through Internships programme entails offering internships to young people up to 30 years of age who are not in employment, education or training and who finished either primary, secondary or higher education, thus fostering social and economic inclusion of youth, those from vulnerable groups, who start from a position of disadvantage. This programme offers them an opportunity to undergo training and develop skills and knowledge in demand in the labour market.
The programme was launched on November 1, 2021 and lasts until the end of 2022. It envisages establishing liaisons between young people and possible employers to connect via the platform (Biram uspeh – I Choose Success).

- Author / Originator: UNICEF Serbia
- Country of origin Serbia
- Main focus Career Development
- Modality Remote, Presential
- Context Community
- Type Tool, Intervention
- Target group Disadvantaged groups
- This practice developed through Erasmus+ No