Career counseling and guidance center from University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB)

In the context of the restrictions imposed by the Sars Cov 2 pandemic, Career Counselling and Guidance Centre from UPB, developed a practice in order to support students counselling needs.  Being in a period of change and accommodation to the online environment students have difficulties in managing personal  and student life, they feel overwhelmed by the tasks and they don t have personal resources to access different services, as on-line counselling (career or psychological). In order to support them, our objective was to create a space for self management that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, when they feel prepared to  approach specific topics without the stress of an appointment.

To sustain our objective first we created a practical guide for self help  on CCOC e-learning platform, as a host where students can find resources for career and personal development.  

In creating this tool, we had several topics in mind related to students needs, as follows: self-knowledge, time management, emotional management, stress management, communications styles, career planning, employment portfolio.

Website (URL format)
CCOC platform - 

CCOC e-learning platform was designed and created to support students in the context of the pandemic Sars Cov 2. The platform is used to provide psychological and career on-line counselling and is a host for  self help resources, for the students that want explore by themselves career and personal issues. This is the space where you can find the practical guide also.

Image for website/practice* 


The mode of delivery is remote ( website CCOC –  and CCOC platform - ).


Self help counselling  practical guide