SPACE - a youth work centre model in Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region
SPACE centres provide a comprehensive approach to work with youth 13 to 30 years old, which is aimed at supporting employment, youth care and a smooth transition to a full-fledged social life. The core service of the centres is career counselling, which completes other important areas of support: psychological, social counselling, coaching, informal education in the field of life skills development and volunteering.
An exceptional addition to the services is the Innolab: a specially adapted room with technical equipment where young people can develop their technical and digital skills. SPACE services can be used by all young people in 7 cities in the Banská Bystrica region.
The mission of the SPACE centres is to create an accessible space where every young person, who finds themselves in a difficult life situation can find safety and support, where they can receive comprehensive development, support and counselling services in one place. Cooperation with several experts under one roof supports inclusion and multidisciplinary cooperation in the region.
SPACE centres adhere to the principles of work with youth based on the ethical principles, where career counsellor supports young people to identify their qualities, skills, abilities and values. It supports them to look for opportunities, areas, professions where they could use to their fullest potential. Subsequently, to learn about occupations, the labour market and the search for educational opportunities, setting a job search strategy as well as preparing for a job interview.
Career counselling is carried out through individual consultations or as group activities. The methodology of career counselling techniques is based on an experiential, sociodynamic and coaching approach. The use of individual techniques was adapted to the specific needs of various target groups of youth at risk of NEET status, including health or social disadvantages.

- Author / Originator: Development agency of Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region
- Country of origin Slovakia
- Resource launch date December 19, 2023
- Main focus Career Development, Access to Guidance Services
- Modality Presential
- Context Schools, Higher Education, Youth Work, Community
- Type Intervention, Framework
- Target group Career Guidance Practitioners, Teachers, Secondary School Students, Post-Secondary School Students, University Students, Jobseekers, Disadvantaged groups
- This practice developed through Erasmus+ No
- Website