The 2nd Vocational Education Forum Europass & Euroguidance
The theme of the 2nd Vocational Education Forum the Vocational Education Forum Europass & Euroguidance was "Current trends in the career planning process". The program of the conference focused on key issues related to effective career planning in times of uncertainty. Through the speeches of experts from education sector, research centers and business, we looked at the challenges of the current labour market, analysed the opportunities and threats related to the attractiveness of professions, explored the organization of career counselling processes in education, the use of modern approaches and European tools in the work of a counsellor.
An attractive element of the event was also a debate entitled "Attractiveness of trade schools in the current situation on the labor market", where experts tried to overthrow stereotypes concerning professional education.
Workshop sessions were devoted to the subject of modern tools, practices and work standards in career guidance, as well as the organization of the school career guidance system.
The conference was conducted stationary and also was transmitted online via YouTube cannel. Communication and promotion of the conference took place via our Europass & Euroguidance website, social media (Facebook, Linkedin) and the newsletter.
The event was attended by over 80 career guidance practitioners and the online broadcast was followed by more than 500 people.
Participation was free and possible to everyone regardless of age, qualification and level of education.
The selection of the conference topics was based on the needs reported by the participants of previous events. We examine and follow the results of evaluation surveys after each event. Both the content and the form and the time of the conference are adjusted to the needs on an ongoing basis.
We use our full potential of Erasmus + and European Solidarity Corps National Agency in Poland to communicate, promote the Forum (in this case, webinars). We also cooperate with other programs operating at National Agency.

- Author / Originator: National Europass and Euroguidance Centre, Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps National Agency in Poland
- Country of origin Poland
- Resource launch date November 18, 2022
- Main focus Career Development
- Modality Remote, Presential
- Target group Career Guidance Practitioners, Teachers
- This practice developed through Erasmus+ No
- Website