The VASTE Programme
The VASTE Programme which is part-financed by the European Social Funds 2014-2020 was designed to facilitate the employment and retention of disabled persons and vulnerable individuals namely former substance-abusers, former inmates, the long-term unemployed, migrants and other socially challenged individuals. Jobsplus, the Maltese Public Employment Services, through a holistic and innovative concept created an extensive series of employability-enhancing training, work related experiences and support development options aimed at different employment channels.
Occupational Therapists and other professionals carry out assessments, motivational interviewing and workplace visits to support job seekers, employees and employers to engage in meaningful employment.
In addition, pre-employment training provides participants with life and communication skills, pre-employment skills, basic clerical skills and basic ICT skills with the aim of increasing work prospects. Sheltered employment training is offered to disabled participants who are still far away from the labour market; this one (1) year programme provides a hands-on work-related training programme including work ethics, independent living, communication and social skills.
On this Project, Jobsplus works in partnership with the Lino Spiteri Foundation (LSF) who deals with unemployed disabled persons on a one-to-one basis with the provision of advisory assistance and job search support. LSF through its Corporate Relations (CR) Unit specifically provides services to private enterprises on recruitment, job carving, and maintenance of jobs held by disabled persons. The latter is achieved by offering tailored on-the-job coaching to sustain long-term employment and facilitate access incentives and schemes available by Jobsplus for this cohort of clients.
Mentoring services are provided to vulnerable individuals prior and during employment to facilitate their retention in employment. A number of NGOs are contracted to provide participants with specific assessments, training and psychotherapeutic interventions to enable their entry into the labour market.

- Author / Originator: Inclusive Employment Service (Jobsplus PES) + Lino Spiteri Foundation (LSF)
- Country of origin Malta
- Main focus Career Development, Access to Guidance Services
- Modality Remote, Presential
- Context Employment (PES), Community
- Type Intervention, Training
- Target group Disadvantaged groups
- This practice developed through Erasmus+ No