TRANSVAL-EU is a multistakeholder project aimed at promoting the recognition and validation of transversal skills acquired through non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL) through cross-sector cooperation among practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders.
The project, implemented from 2021 to 2023 by a partnership of 16 organizations from 7 countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Lithuania, Poland) developed the following tools aimed at designing and developing innovative validation processes:
- European State of the Art Report, with an overview of European, national and regional initiatives on transversal skills, both in the testing countries - Austria, Belgium, Italy, Lithuania and Poland - and in other contexts (e.g., the Nordic countries);
- Transversal Competence Framework covering skills, policies, frameworks and initiatives currently in use in Europe;
- Competence profile for validation and guidance practitioners focused on transversal skills (e.g., practitioners' understanding and use of soft skills in guidance and validation processes);
- Educational resources toolkit and training curriculum for validation and guidance professionals (TRANSVAL-EU Training Toolkit, aimed at supporting the professionalization of validation and guidance operators in the context of the field trial on transversal competencies).
Toolkit and curriculum models for (self-)assessment of transversal skills were then tested in five partner countries Austria, Belgium, Italy, Lithuania, Poland by the professionals involved in validation and guidance services with the support of public authorities.
The results of the testing showed that the project helped to improve practitioners’ soft skills and promoted greater involvement of public authorities responsible for validation processes.
All stakeholders have experienced an increased ability to integrate soft skills into their daily work practice, thus leading to the achievement of better conditions and direct benefits for the end user (s in the long-term and to more robust and reliable validation and guidance processes.

- Country of origin Austria
- Main focus Career Development
- Modality Presential
- Context Adult education, Employment (PES)
- Type Tool, Intervention, Publication, Framework
- Target group Career Guidance Practitioners, Service Managers / Heads of Organisations
This practice developed through Erasmus+
Erasmus+ KA3 – Policy Reform – Policy Experimentation (626147-EPP-1-2020-2-AT-EPPKA3-PI-POLICY) - Website