Webinars were conducted online – using zoom platform. Communication and promotion of the webinars took place via our Europass & Euroguidance website, social media and the newsletter.

Preparing a client for a job interview is a popular form of support provided by career counsellors. Knowing how a professional recruitment process is designed and what are the main tasks of the job interview gives a good foundation for more effective and tailored work with the client.

A series of 4 webinars entitled "What the job interviews are all about" was conducted on 3/10/22-21/10/22. Each webinar lasted 90 minutes. The webinars were conducted by 2 speakers - a career counsellor and a business psychologist. The topics of individual meetings were as follows:

  1. Verification of adaptive skills and resistance to stress
  2. Verification of cooperation and communication skills
  3. Leadership skills verification
  4. Verification of motivation and values

Each webinar consisted of 3 parts dedicated to individual meeting topic:

  • a theoretical part (purpose of the interview, behavioral interview model, creating a competence model of the position, translating it into behavior, building questions based on the behavior model, mapping positions / professions in which given skill groups are checked),
  • practical part (real examples of behavioral questions and answers),
  • Q&A and feedback part.

4 webinars gathered about 400 participants (full registration). After each meeting an anonymous survey was conducted, the results and conclusions of which are presented below:

  • 100% of participants consider webinars to be a useful source of knowledge,
  • on average, 60% of the group of webinar participants are career counsellors (working with pupils and students). Employment agents are the second largest group,
  • participants appreciated the transfer of knowledge based on real-life examples and interactive guidance by 2 speakers.

The series of webinars was dedicated to career counsellors, however participation was free and possible to everyone regardless of age, qualification and level of education. After the project, we provide webinar recordings and presentations used during meetings for review.

The selection of the project topic was based on the needs reported by the participants of previous cycles. We examine and follow the results of evaluation surveys after each project. Both the content and the form and the time of the meeting are adjusted to the needs on an ongoing basis.


What the job interviews are all about  -a series of webinars for career counsellors
  • Author / Originator: National Europass and Euroguidance Centre, Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps National Agency in Poland
  • Country of origin Poland
  • Resource launch date October 03, 2022
  • Main focus Career Development
  • Modality Remote
  • Context Community
  • Type Training
  • Target group Career Guidance Practitioners, Teachers, Jobseekers
  • This practice developed through Erasmus+ No
  • Website https://twoj-europass.org.pl/webinaria-rozmowa-kwalifikacyjna-zapisy/