Young People And The Influence Of Parents On Their Career Development
What is in the domain of interest of science in the field of career development of young people, and what recently encourages thinking and research on this topic, is the influence of parents on the career development of their children. In this context, the emphasis is placed on two points of view: Is the advice given by parents to their children regarding their career development (choice of college) in parallel and tone with with the children's affinities, or do the children become a "tool" for the unimplemented goals of their parents, while transmitting their unrealized ambition.
Here, the problem that emerges with motivating young people to complete their higher education at one of the universities outside the country, while building their career outside their home country, should be emphasized.
Such procedures always have a positive outcome and always contribute to the correct career development of the person. So, it should be emphasized that the influence of parents on the choice of career development of their children can cause positive and negative implications. However, whether the choice of the future profession of young people depends on the direct approach of the parent to this problem, or the indirect influence of the parents, as a result of their dedication to their profession. However, the choice of the future profession of young people, either depends on the direct approach of parents to this problem, or the indirect influence of the parents, as a result of their dedication to their profession.
The question arises: When do young people start thinking seriously about their career and profession?
This usually happens in the adolescent phase, when they begin to think seriously about their future, often looking to their parents as models for their future personalities in a professional way. Such an approach can either inspire young people to explore different potential occupations or stick to the path their parents have laid out for them.
It is no surprise that many young people are the third or fourth generation of their family businesses who continue to sustain the tradition, building their career according to the tradition in the family, or go for the same profession following their anscestors same traditional way of choosing the future profession. Such phenomena are most often reflected in the legal professions (lawyers, notaries, judges), medical professions (doctors), engineers, etc.
Also, as another motive for choosing one's career is if their parent's work gives them great satisfaction or provides them with a comfortable lifestyle. Children see the benefits early and may favor those professions over others when choosing their career path. On the other hand if parents are not satisfied with their work positions, as well as the difficulties that emerge in the material provision of the family as a result of insufficient income, children rightly avoid such professions and are more likely to look for more fulfilling or higher paid positions and professions.
Some parents, on one hand, as a result of the current trends in society, encourage their children to enroll in various activities, including music or dance lessons, to engage in sports or some other activity, which contributes to directing their children's career in that direction. At the same time, it should be taken into account that this approach can lead to disappointment among young people, because not everyone is talented in sports, music, art... The earlier a child gets to know the area of his own interest, the more time he will have to explore and strengthen his own skills.
Some young people, on the other hand, simply choose the path for their career development because during their studies, they were so involved in certain activities that after graduation they already see their future in that profession, as a second nature.
Not always, the influence of parents on the choice of career path of young people is wrong. On the contrary, the more disciplines a child tries to experience, the better he knows his strengths and weaknesses. He also quickly learns what he likes and doesn't like, as well as imagining what he can do for the rest of his life.
Often times, young people accept signs from their parents about the values that are offered to them in society in general in all areas. Children who have parents who encourage them to do well in school learn to value education, begin to develop their own desires to continue their education beyond high school.
In this direction, parents often set high standards, which are more difficult to achieve, and which influence children to engage in activities that they think will give them the approval from their parents.
On the other hand, when parents make it clear that they have no specific career expectations for their child, the child feels free to explore more different careers, choosing a career based on their own preferences rather than those of their parents. Here we will return to the importance of career counseling and career guidance in primary and secondary education, which would take on the advisory role of guiding young people in the direction of their career development.
As a consequence of all this, it follows that career counseling and career guidance appear as a necessity in the modern flows of social life, so their incorporation into higher education gives a new perspective to universities. It is in this direction that the activities undertaken by the universities in the establishment of the Career Centers, aim to help students in tracing their career development.
That is why it is necessary to target young people from their earliest age in order to discover their affinities and talents. This kind of approach to this issue requires hiring designated people who will be professionally trained to monitor and recognize the giftedness of young people in order to provide them with high-quality, efficient and effective guidance.
Since it is a topic that is subtle and quite current, especially in the environment in which we live, it needs to be elaborated in details.

- Author / Originator: Goce Markoski - Euroguidance Ambassador
- Country of origin North Macedonia
- Resource launch date September 06, 2023
- Main focus Career Development
- Type Publication
- This practice developed through Erasmus+ No