YOUTHShare project for NEETs
Aim and target group
YOUTHShare aims to reduce unemployment, to strengthen skills, and to highlight new career opportunities in resilient sectors of local economies. It focuses mainly to the employment inclusion of young people not in education, training and employment (NEETs) up to 25-29 years old, living in disadvantaged areas of the Mediterranean EEA, especially in the coastal and island regions of Greece, Italy, Spain and Cyprus.
Social and sharing economy
YOUTHShare promotes knowledge and activity in sustainable professional fields of the Social and Sharing Economy. The Sharing Economy is an internet based economic system, referring to the sharing of goods or services through online shopping, mobile applications, location services, or other technology platforms in various sectors, and it is used by individuals with or without remuneration. It includes the sharing of products and services such as apartments, cars, personal work, etc., without intermediaries, with reduced service costs and usually with a high level of trust between providers / users and consumers.
YOUTHShare digital tools
The YOUTHShare e-Learning platform includes user-friendly online training packages on topics related to the Social and Sharing Economy. It offers modules related to new skills and entrepreneurship in the agri-food sector, tourism, circular economy, recycling, etc
Through the YOUTHShare e-Learning platform, young men and women are offered the opportunity to strengthen their social and emotional skills through counselling sessions, receive 120 hours of training through innovative educational material in resilient sectors of their local economy, and conduct an "internship" in a relevant local business.
The online platform for the Social and Solidarity Economy is a social business networking platform in resilient sectors of the Social and Solidarity Economy, hosting relevant businesses, professionals and various stakeholders.
The platform enables the provision of e-mentoring, professional pairing of young people with social or sharing economy enterprises and networking with experts and professionals. Experienced professionals act as mentors to young people interested in being active in the field of Social and Solidarity Economy, focusing on business plan development, personal action plan, etc.

- Author / Originator: Fotini Vlachaki, Career & Social Inclusion Expert - Researcher - Adult Trainer MSc, PhDc Youth Employment Policy Ambassador - YOUTHShare project, University of the Aegean Greece
- Country of origin Greece
- Resource launch date August 30, 2023
- Main focus Career Development, Coordination and Cooperation
- Modality Remote
- Context Employment (PES), Youth Work, Community
- Type Tool, Intervention, Training
- Target group Disadvantaged groups
- This practice developed through Erasmus+ No
- Website