The aim of the Erasmus+ funded Academia+ Study and Training Exchange Programme for Key Challenges of European Labour Markets and Societies is to support the provision of better services and guidance on competencies and qualifications by focusing on the development of training programmes that address urgent issues and current key challenges in the European labour market and career counselling. The topics for the three Counsellors’ Study and Training Exchange Programmes (C-STEP) were chosen according to their importance for the current labour market: Counselling migrants and refugees, Future jobs and Demographic change. The first C-STEP refers to the topic “Counselling migrants and refugees”, as one of the current challenges of the European labour market and societies. By a specific transnational developed curriculum a variety of training seminars/ learning modules are provided in order to strengthen the competencies of guidance professionals and increase their knowledge in this theme as well as to improve the quality of guidance and counselling they delivered in the public employment services or related settings for migrants and refugees.

The project was jointly developed by partners in DE, PT, UK, LU and LT

For project outputs see