Sixth ECADOC Summer School in Career Guidance and Counselling

ECADOC: The sixth summer school for doctoral researchers in careers will be taking place in Malta from June 9-14, 2019!
The programme will provide selected participants with opportunities to:
✓ Explore the intersections between career guidance and social justice
✓ Investigate how research can be mobilised to further equity agendas
✓ Present their work in progress
✓ Discuss the challenges encountered during their doctoral journey
✓ Benefit from advice and support from ECADOC faculty and peers
✓ Advance their career development through publications in scientific journals, and participation in international projects
Keynote presenters include the three Summer School organisers, Prof Ronald G. Sultana (University of Malta), Prof Rie Thomsen (Aarhus University), and Prof Tristram Hooley (University of Derby), together with other guest speakers such as Prof David Blustein (Boston College Lynch School of Education) and Dr Gideon Arulmani (Promise Foundation, Bangalore). Members of the ECADOC scientific committee will also contribute to the different sessions by sharing their knowledge, research, and experience. The programme will create a powerful learning environment through lectures, seminars, workshops, poster sessions, a film forum, and on-site visits.
It will also be an occasion to feel part of a community of practice, with cultural events that include participation in a traditional village festa, a tour of the island, a visit to a Neolithic temple, and a boat tour.
Places are limited to 20 applicants. The application form, criteria for selection, and information about venue and costs can be found here:
There is no registration fee for those staying at the conference venue. Selected participants will meet travel, accommodation, and per diem expenses. Individuals may wish to apply for European mobility funding at their respective institutions.