Study and Career Guidance Denmark – seven regional guidance centres
Study and Career Guidance Denmark was established in 2018 as a new national guidance institution in the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. The organisation consists of a main office (secretariat) with an executive director, and seven regional centres covering all parts of the country
Study and Career Guidance Denmark provides guidance to young people and adults about the choice of higher education and prospective career opportunities. The guidance offered is independent of sectional interests.
Study and Career Guidance Denmark meets the target group in their local environment; guidance in upper secondary education is mostly offered as individual conversations, in small groups or through common activities. The main objective is to put the students in a position to be able to make qualified decisions about their choice of higher education and career. Guidance focuses on the transition from youth education to higher education. The guidance activities give the students an insight into the higher education system, help them reflect on making choices about further education, jobs and careers and strengthen their self-awareness.
The counsellors organise a wide variety of educational and career guidance activities for students in upper secondary education, including workshops, seminars, careers fairs and individual and group guidance sessions. These activities take place at the students’ schools. The counsellors cooperate closely with the management and the teachers at the school.
Young people (and their parents), as well as adults, are also welcome to call or visit the centres to get information about higher education opportunities, or to make an appointment for a guidance session. On a regular basis, it is also possible to meet study and career guidance counsellors from the centres at different neutral localities across the seven regions – e.g. at a public library – to ensure that geographical distance does not prevent people from getting access to relevant guidance services.
The organisation is obliged to develop a quality assurance system. The quality assurance system incorporates the voices of users and is very much aimed at developing the organisation of, and guidance provided by, Study and Career Guidance Denmark, as well as at assuring a basic level of quality. Information provided by the quality assurance system will be both quantitative, for example through surveys, and qualitative, for example through group interviews.
Study and Career Guidance Denmark cooperates with relevant partners at the national, regional and local levels to ensure a coherent guidance system and a regular exchange of experiences, knowledge and best practice. Relevant partners include youth education and higher education institutions, the social partners and industry and commerce.

- Author / Originator: Tine Andersen and Birtha Theut
- Country of origin Denmark
- Resource launch date April 29, 2021
- Main focus Career Development, Access to Guidance Services, Quality Assurance, Coordination and Cooperation
- Modality Remote, Presential
- Context Higher Education, Adult education, Vocational Education and Training (VET)
- Type Intervention
- Target group Career Guidance Practitioners, Secondary School Students, Post-Secondary School Students, VET Students, Parents, Disadvantaged groups
- This practice developed through Erasmus+ No