
The Swedish Guidance Counsellors Association/Sveriges Vägledarförening

  • Skoldungagatan 22 A SE 75334 Uppsala
  • Tel: +46 18 255 266
  • Utgardsgatan 3 SE 25362 Helsingborg
  • Tel: +46 733 97 98 32

jJeannette Lehninger is the sending coordinator and Tommy Ripmarken is the receiving coordinator.

THE SWEDISH ASSOCIATION OF GUIDANCE , (SAGC) was founded in 1975 and is a non-profit making organisation whose goals are to :

Influence society to eliminate educational and occupational injustices and to further everyone rights to opportunities in education, training and work.

Stimulate discussion and debate on issues concerning educational and vocational guidance. improve educational and vocational guidance with regard to content, ethics, methods and organisation. Encourage research on educational and vocations guidance.

Support the members of the association in other principle matters than those that can be referred to the trade unions.

Encourage co-operation between all counsellors.

Actively strive for co-operation between other countries in questions concerning educational and vocational guidance.

SAGC is an organisation for counsellors working educational and vocational guidance. The association has today approximately 1200 members and is open to those who agree with and accept the association’s goals. The members are mainly practitioners in schools, employment offices, job rehabilitation centres and other counsellors.

The concept of the association is based on the activities of the local or regional associations. The central commitee encourages, supports and co-ordinates their activities.

The Swedish Association for Guidance Counsellors (SAGC) arranges an annual two-days conference concerned with current topics within the fields of educational and vocational guidance counselling, education and societal change.

SAGC publishes a quarterly journal, Vägledaren I utbildning och arbetsliv (The Educational and Vocational Guidance Counsellor). The journal is a forum for debate, information about current affairs, recent research findings and developments within educational and vocational guidance counselling.