Terminales 2020-2021 website
The website www.terminales2020-2021.fr is a guidance tool to support the secondary-higher education pathway. Initiated by the Ministries of National Education, Higher Education and Research and Onisep (National Office for Information on Education and Occupations) it is a real national, qualitative and neutral website used in the context of career skills management.
It can be used freely by guidance professionals, teaching staff, parents and also by the final user, i.e. the students themselves. It could be as a collective support tool by teachers or guidance practitioners, as part of the time devoted to guidance in the official curricula, or as a tool for individual exploration. Parents could also explore it to support their children in the guidance process.
Indeed, this digital tool offers high school students at last year, the opportunity to discover the expectations and prospects of the various courses of study in order to gradually prepare their choices. In this respect, it is a real pedagogical tool and takes up the gradual approach to choosing a career path. It is structured in 5 progressive stages for the pathway to higher education, the wording of the site is aimed directly at the user, the youngster:
Step 1: « I explore the possibilities »: It contains advice on how to find your way around, resources for discovering higher education courses, but also for discovering the professional world and jobs by professional sector and according to individual interests as well as self-assessment questionnaires.
Step 2: « I discover the courses and paths » : This part contents various testimonials, but also online resources such as MOOCs, tips for success in higher education, as well as overviews of what a university course is really like.
Step 3: « I go into more detail about certain courses of study to help me make my choices » : Zooms in on some highly resquested but sometimes overlooked courses of study. The content is discussed, as well as the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in each higher education course, known as "expectations" (« attendus ») the professional opportunities and self-assessment tools, for example "Is law study for me?
Step 4: « I want to talk about it » : In this section, it is possible to find the information centres location, in this case the directory of information and guidance centres managed by the Ministry. It also contains information on national guidance education schemes such as the "guidance weeks", as well as the dates of the main forums and education fairs in France, school open days, and help in finding the contact person in the higher education institution.
Stage 5: « Preparing to enter higher education » : this site provides a link to the Parcoursup platform, which enables students to enrol in French tertiary: what is it? What are the key dates? What courses are available on the platform? But also information on student life, requirements, statistics, and on international mobility opportunities.
This site is strongly supported by the Ministry which promotes it to all schools via institutional sites and regular newsletters. It is a real information support, via social networks,Twitter, Instagram, FB, LinkedIn.
This site makes it possible to develop career education, give information on careers and guidance and is a real support for transitions from high school to higher education.

- Author / Originator: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports, Ministry of Higher Education and Research and Onisep (Office National d’Information sur les Enseignements et les Professions – National Office for Information on Education and Occupations)
- Country of origin France
- Main focus Career Development, Access to Guidance Services
- Modality Remote
- Context Schools, Higher Education
- Type Tool
- Target group Secondary School Students
- This practice developed through Erasmus+ No
- Website http://www.terminales2020-2021.fr/