The Career compass: How do you shape your life’s career?
Become career-competent with the career compass. The five career competences help you do this. By developing career competences, the young person gains more insight into himself as a professional and thus develops an idea of what work and work environment suits him best.
Get to work!
For both the young person and the coach, tools have been put together to support students in shaping their careers. The career pack consists of reflection cards with the five career competences, a step-by-step plan for the counsellor and a poster with the career compass. The material is available free of charge via .
The young person (student)
Download the below career competences with reflection questions, indicators and an explanation. These indicators only serve to get a better understanding of the career competences and are not meant as a checklist.
1. Motives | reflection questions
2. Qualities | reflection questions
3. Career management | reflection questions
4. Networking | reflection questions
5. Work exploration | reflection questions
The career counsellor (teacher, professional)
Conducting a career interview. How to go about it? Download the step-by-step plan with questions that will help you guide students in shaping their career.
Euroguidance has previously developed a career compass ‘toolkit for career professionals’. The Career Compass is based on research and practical experiences and is a practical tool for the career counsellor in the educational sector or in the business community. The material is available in English. Interested? Please contact .

- Author / Originator: Euroguidance Netherlands
- Country of origin Netherlands
- Resource launch date June 01, 2021
- Main focus Career Development
- Modality Remote
- Context Schools, Adult education, Employment (PES), Youth Work
- Type Tool, Training
- Target group Career Guidance Practitioners, Teachers
This practice developed through Erasmus+
Euroguidance - Website