The Euroguidance Highlights 2017 publication is now out!

The Highlights 2017 publication about the activities and achievements of the Euroguidance network is now out! It illustrates the successful work carried out by the national Euroguidance Centres in 37 European countries in 2017.
Have a look at the 48-page booklet through this link There you can access the Highlights publications 2015 and 2016 as well.
The Highlights 2017 is designed and laid out by Dovile Mikalauskaite (Lithuania). The editorial team of the Highlights publication 2017 was: Dora Stefansdottir (Iceland), Eva Baloch-Kaloianov (Austria), Suzanne Towler (the UK) and Mika Launikari (Finland).
The main task of the Euroguidance network is to promote cross-border learning mobility and to foster European cooperation in the field of lifelong guidance.