The Training Compass: A guidance tool supporting lifelong learning

Following the COVID pandemic, the Government of Flanders launched its recovery plan ‘Flemish resilience’. One of its components, Edusprong, aims to boost adult education. The initiative aims to encourage lifelong learning amongst Flemish citizens, to renew and improve the study programmes in adult education, to strengthen digital competencies and to invest in qualifications.
Het Opleidingskompas (‘The Training Compass’), an online guidance tool for adult education, is one of the projects initiated within Edusprong. It was launched in 2023, following a period of analysis, exploration, consultation, designing and testing.
It used to be quite a challenge to navigate through the large number of study programmes in adult education. Several search engines and multiple websites from centres for adult education or centres for basic education had to be created to get a clear view over all the education which is on offer. The number of search engines was even daunting at times.
By making all programmes on offer visible in ‘Het Opleidingskompas’ the search for suitable programmes has been greatly simplified, which can motivate potential learners to enrol in the courses on offer
Serving all adults
As adults are a highly heterogeneous target group, the new tool offers the possibility to enter many parameters, so any adult can find a course that matches his/her interests and life situation. Some parameters are related to the course programmes - such as prior knowledge, interests or desired diploma’s; others to the personal circumstances of the potential learner (employment status, children, etc). By searching for keywords, going through study topics and/or locations, a number of courses that suit each situation can be found. For potential learners who are in the dark and do not know yet which type of course would suit them, the compass also offers a solution. Several questions are embedded in the tool which guide the users to courses that meet their learning objectives.
Developed through consultation
The Agency for Higher Education, Adult Education, Qualifications and Study Grants and an external partner (DXC-Cegeka) were responsible for the development of the tool. During the development process, they consulted the centres for adult education and centres for basic education. Through workshops and information sessions, input and feedback was collected to feed into the compass development. During the process, users were also consulted to shape the design and the guiding questions.
Next steps
The centres for adult education and basic education will be keeping their courses up to date in the tool. Also, the compass will be improved on a continuous basis. By monitoring and analysing the user data, the developers will get a better understanding of what it is that potential learners are looking for and the changes that should be made to improve the tool. Possibly other courses of recognised institutions, such as universities and colleges, will be integrated at a later stage.
For further information, please contact Euroguidance Belgium (Flanders):