Use of QR codes to diversify career lessons
As the learning process was mainly organized remotely by schools in 2021 due to restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the school career counsellor Dace Alksne had actively been searching for new effective ways to be able to reach out to pupils and their parents to inform and to provide support in matters related to careers education.
A variety of information materials for pupils and their parents was compiled by Dace Alksne, which she made accessible by creating QR codes to be scanned either during or after classes, as well as during meetings with pupils’ parents. Dace had chosen the approach of diversifying career lessons by using a QR code and applying differentiated lesson materials to make lessons more interesting and to give pupils the opportunity to choose an activity matching their abilities. Interactive walls were created in and updated on a regular basis with the latest and the most relevant information to provide for individual and group career guidance counselling. QR codes were also placed on careers education information stands, enabling students to access information during breaks or free time.
Dace Alksne shared her experience in creating and applying QR codes to careers materials with peers from around the country in a masterclass held during a seminar by the Latvian Career Development Support Association in March 2022. Colleagues also learned about applying QR codes in the daily life of a school career counsellor in May 2022 during a regional seminar in Cēsis, as well as during "Careers Week 2021".

- Author / Originator: Euroguidance Latvia, Author: Dace Alksne, School career counsellor, Alūksne County Secondary School
- Country of origin Latvia
- Resource launch date December 12, 2023
- Main focus Career Development
- Modality Remote
- Context Schools
- Type Tool
- Target group Primary School Students, Secondary School Students
- This practice developed through Erasmus+ No
- Website