Euroguidance Webinar ‘Online Guidance’
Euroguidance Webinar 'Online Guidance'
Euroguidance Webinar ‘Online Guidance’
On March 30th (1:00-2:15 p.m. CET) the Euroguidance network will be hosting a webinar on online guidance. The world is changing in the light of new challenges. We live in a time of transformation of world economies, new global trends and digitalization. The career counsellor's job is also changing. New circumstances such as COVID-19 have forced career counsellors to use digital technologies on a larger scale than before the pandemic. During the Euroguidance webinar, speakers from all over Europe will introduce you to good practices, interesting tools and projects.
We cordially invite everyone to participate in the webinar!
PROGRAMME (30.03.2023 from 1:00 to 2:15 p.m. CET)
- Welcome (Eva Baloch-Kaloianov, OeAD Euroguidance Austria, Chair of Steering Group Euroguidance Network)
- Euroguidance good practices database (Dorianne Gravina, Euroguidance Malta)
- Online guidance in Norway (Eirik Øvernes and Magdalena Fosshaug, Department of Career Services, Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills)
- C-Game: an online guidance tool developed through Erasmus+ (Zuzana Freibergova - Czech Republic)
- The new Europass (Mia Trcol, Euroguidance/Europass Croatia)
- ODiCY: A new Observatory on Digital Technologies in Career Guidance for Youth (Anthony Mann, OECD)
- Exchange/discussion (Sylwia Korycka-Fortuna, Euroguidance Poland, and Joke Verlinden, Euroguidance Belgium Flanders)
Registration deadline: 28.03.2023

- Event date March 30 - 30, 2023
- Venue Online
- Organiser Euroguidance