Enhancing Career Readiness & Transition Competencies» Hybrid Conference 2023

Organization: Euroguidance Cyprus and University of Nicosia.

Date : Thursday, 19 October 2023

Place: University of Nicosia, UNESCO Auditorium 

Conference Language: English 

Type of Conference: Hybrid (Registration through Zoom link)

 ZOOM link for participation: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HOgUpizUT-aLVwtVBaMB0w


Conference Abstract:


The long-term economic crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic has led internationally to sharply rising unemployment, especially among young people (OECD, 2020 ), who face increased occupational uncertainty and become particularly vulnerable to looking for, finding and keeping work (Mann, Denis and Percy , 2020 ).

 In addition, rapidly evolving changes due to the digital and "green" transition seem to create even greater challenges for career decision-making and planning. Recent research data from the OECD's "Career Readiness project" show that the career expectations of young people worldwide are limited and confusing. 50% of youth over 15 are interested in just 10 occupations, while 38-41% pursue jobs at risk of automation. Also 1 in 5 young people have incompatible educational and professional expectations (OECD, 2020 PISA study 2018).

 This issue is linked to limited access to career guidance and information services, which leads to stereotypical choices, distant from real conditions and trends in the labor market, and a low understanding of available educational and professional opportunities and career paths (Mann et al, 2020). .Finally young people often enter the labor market with low awareness of their potential, increased uncertainty and without a clear vision of their future career but also lacking employability and career management skills. On the other hand, young people's early access to career counseling services is a catalyst for forming more informed professional aspirations, adequately preparing for the labor market, and is associated with more effective transitions from education to employment.

The OECD studies in depth the issue of career readiness of young people and the available national data, determining correlation indicators of participation in career counseling activities and services with improved employment outcomes, with the aim of mobilizing counselors and competent agencies to provide better services for the benefit of young people (Covacevich et al., 2021a . Covacevich et al., 2021b ).

On the occasion of the "Career Readiness project" of the OECD, at the Conference, international distinguished speakers will highlight the current concerns, challenges and opportunities with the aim of bridging the gap between education and employment through a modern perspective and the need for early skills development vocational readiness and lifelong career management to young people for a workforce with vocational readiness.


Euroguidance Network Cyprus

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