
Online participation:



Meeting ID


Main Hall (A) + online poster session (16h-17h)

81 720 409 881


Dream Room (B)

97 285 904 926


Vision Room (C)

97 285 904 926


Online (F)

94 296 676 061


Online (G)

89 163 098 732


You can join any room at any time.
Some rooms are password protected!
Password is: 2022

All meetings will be recorded and are open to all participants of the conference with registration.
Upon entry, you will be muted and your camera will be switched off automatically.
You can be active in chat during sessions and share your questions or ideas with speakers and other participants 

The conference is a hybrid event. Online participation will take place in Zoom.


Poster session:

Pictures of the posters can be uploaded on Padlet



Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Aula main conference hall
Kamýcká 1276
165 00 Praha - Suchdol
Czech Republic
(Please note that the address of the venue was updated on 10 November)
Directions from the airport:

It takes approximately one hour.
At the airport, you must first buy a ticket from the ticket machine at the bus stop and mark it when you get on the bus, then it is valid for the entire journey (one ride costs 40 CZK, a full-day ticket costs 120 CZK).

Take bus No. 119 to Nádraží Veleslavín station, change to tram line No. 20 or No. 26 in the direction of the centre, get off at Dejvická station. Cross the small park on the left side of the square to take bus 107, which will take you approximately 8 minutes to the Zemdělská Univerzita stop. You are on Internacionální Street, walk towards the university. You will have a minimarket on your left and a craperie on your right. Go straight ahead for approximately 400m, then turn left where you will see the auditorium building after approximately 50m.

Directions from the main train station:

It takes approximately half an hour.
There is an entrance to the metro at the main station. Before entering the metro, you must first buy a ticket from the ticket machine and mark it at the entrance turnstile, then it is valid for the whole journey (one ride costs 40,- CZK, a full-day ticket costs 120,- CZK). From Hlavní nádraží station (metro line C) go to Muzeum transfer station, where you change to metro line A, which takes you to Dejvická station. Take the exit from the metro towards Vítězné náměstí. Cross the small park on the left side of the square and take bus 107 for approximately 8 minutes to the Zemělská Univerzita stop. You are on Internacionální Street, walk towards the University. You will have a minimarket on your left and a craperie on your right. Go straight ahead for approximately 400m, then turn left where you will see the auditorium building after approximately 50m.

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